Dental Bridges
Their main purpose is to restore the absence of lost tooth or teeth and to rehabilitate the distorted shape, function and aesthetics in the relevant area of the arc. The way these structures are made doesn’t differ from that of the crowns, except for larger recovery zones.
- Bridges provide great opportunities for the rehabilitation of distally reduced defects, i.e. when we have a limited tooth defect zone. There are 1-2 or more missing teeth in the restoration area, and those that restrict it on both sides will be carrying the structure. For this reason, the future bridge should be carefully planned for its future strength and endurance.
- A major one could be the more pronounced (hypercontour) bridge model in the dental laboratory, which would lead to trauma and compression of the surrounding gum, as well as the difficult cleaning of the interdental spaces. This would lead to a possible failure in patients with very poor and uncontrolled dental hygiene. So if single crowns are possible in the front (frontal section), it is recommended to produce single (single) crowns and bridges in the rear (distal) sections. This results in increased aesthetics in the front frontal area and provides excellent cleaning capabilities.

Composite Bridges
In certain situations, the patient could be helped with making a composite bridge in one visit by the dentist. It is made using special high-strength Kevlar Fiber and Photopolymer.
Typically, these are temporary, sometimes even permanent constructions, with a precondition for insufficient strength and durability of the bridge compared to metal-ceramic bridges.
The composite bridge would be reliable with single missing teeth, improving the chewing function and aesthetics of the patient. This type of bridge can be the first choice in situations such as urgent trips, before making a final one.