It is a branch of dentistry dealing with both teeth removal and a variety of inflammatory and non-inflammatory changes in the hard and soft tissues preceding dental extraction and not only. Various manipulations on facial and maxillofacial tissue are involved in the field of dental surgery, the purpose of which is to provide treatment or correction for aesthetics, function enhancement, or simple prophylaxis. This includes activities such as Corrections and Redevelopment of Maxillofacial Bones, Tooth and Radix Removal, Correction of Frenulum, Removal of Cysts, Jaw juxtaposition (Fractures), Corrections of the Upper-Jaw Sinus and Temporo-Mandibular Joint, Implants and Bone Attachment, Periodontal Surgery, Tumor Therapy, etc.

Surgical manipulations require pain relief in the intervention area, and this requires the removal of Anamnesis for the general condition of the patient and the medication to be taken. It is not uncommon to test anesthetics (anesthetics) in order to establish Allergies, as well as consultations with Allergologist, Endocrinologist, Cardiologist depending on the needs of the healing process.
Patients are always required to cooperate during the Anamnesis and not to cover up Severe Infectious Diseases, Chronic Diseases - Hepatic, Blood, Kidney, Endocrine, Lung, Mental, AIDS, Hepatitis, etc.
Popular Services

Therapeutic Dentistry
The regular prophylactic dental exams have a key relation to desired level of oral health. You have not to forget your check-ups 1-2 times in the year.

Orthopedic Dentistry
We offer the possibilities of orthopedic treatment of injured teeth, which can adequately restore the lost function and aesthetics of the teeth.

Esthetic Dentistry
A beautiful smile contributes to a better mood, boosts self-esteem, makes us more confident and allows us to make a good impression on others.