
– What are crowns?

In the presence of large tooth defects, it is necessary to remove a large part of the softened tooth structure, and restoration of the missing part of the tooth is possible by means of a crown. For this purpose, after the restoration of the tooth, it is drilled in small size against healthy teeth. The crafted laboratory crown lying with its inner surface on the prepared tooth, is finally fixed with cement, restoring the tooth shape, function and color.

– When does a crown need to be made?

There are indications for dental crowns in the following cases:

  1. Heavily broken teeth in which the ordinary obturation would not provide the necessary rigidity of the tooth.
  2. After root-canal treatment - in this case, the teeth become brittle and easily fracture over time. With the help of the crowns, the life of such teeth is extended, as otherwise their possible fracture could lead to an irreparable tearing of the tooth and its subsequent removal.
  3. Re-coloring and irregular shape of teeth, with main purpose to improve aesthetics of the patient.
  4. Replace old and unaesthetic crowns that cause problems such as food retention and gum change.
  5. Lowering the tooth bite in the case of highly abraded teeth( tooth abrasion).
Tooth Anatomy
– What is the treatment itself?
  1. Prepare the tooth by removing the carious defects and recovering the missing parts of the teeth with a photopolymer or other material. Next, the teeth are scrubbed with appropriate pine nuts to a strictly defined shape.
  2. Take an impression from the prosthetic field, by which in the dental laboratory will be made models and from them the final tooth replacement.
  3. Work out of a temporary plastic crown in order to function before the crown is finished, protecting the teeth from migration (shifting), breaking, thermal irritation in living teeth, as well as ensuring aesthetics and speech function of the patient.
  4. After laboratory work, the final crown is cemented after checking the ratio between prepared dental surface and opposing teeth.
– From which material the tooth crowns are made?

They can generally be divided into Aesthetic and Non-Estetic.

The first of these include Metal Ceramic, All Ceramic, and Zirconium crowns.

The second crowns include all Metal, Golden and Blend Crowns (metal and plastic) as well as Temporary Plastic Crowns.

– For the procedure itself?

In vital teeth, drilling is performed under anesthesia to increase patient comfort. In case of good cooling, to prevent teeth from heating, as well as lack of complications (e.g. dental pulp involvement), postoperative soreness is not expected. For this purpose, we made temporary crowns of acrylic plastic. With this construction, the patient stays till final cementation of the finished crowns.

– Role of the dental technician?

The degree of qualification of the dental technician is of the utmost importance for the elaboration of a precise construction corresponding to the impression taken by the dentist.

– Others?

The strength of the crowns is determined by the material from which they are made, and it in turn determines in which area of ​​the tooth row the relevant structures are applicable.

The average functional period of crowns is in the range of 7-10 years.

There have been cases where constructions have lasted and 2-3 times longer. It should be remembered that they are made of materials that have a mechanical load and are not inexhaustible. For this purpose, it is necessary to monitor the treatment over time in prophylactic examinations. For more information, you can save a review time.

34 "Ivan Asen II" Str.

Sofia, 1124

Opening Hours

Mon - Fri: 8:00 - 20:00